Are you a narcissist magnet?

This Masterclass is about knowing what to do once you’ve spotted a narcissist, even if you’re already in a narcissist relationship, we going to look at exactly what you need to do once you have identified it, as such… These are things like the late red flags, how and where the long term emotional abuse occurs and what to do to separate yourself in a way that is healthy for you.

I’m going to talk about:

  • How to spot a Narcissist – the early red flags
  • How to identify narcissistic tendencies in relationships – business partners, when you are romantically involved and/or have children together.
  • Why you might be attracting a narcissist – the self healing journey.
  • And how to prevent yourself from falling for another narcissist – so even if you’re in a relationship with a narcissist. I’m going to empower you with the tools and tips necessary to break that cycle!

This will be my step by step guide to help you separate from an unhealthy relationship with a narcissist, by detecting the late red flag – and begin your self-healing journey.
