Unfaithful partner

It will feel like you’ve lost all trust in yourself and others

The consistent pattern I’ve found with all betrayed partners is their loss of trust.  They loose trust in their partners and ultimately loose trust in their ability to discern what is true or not for themselves.  Eventually this leads to self-doubt and behaviours that look for and need continual validation.

Betrayed partners become hyper-vigilant to any ‘threat’ perceived or not, in order to avoid being hurt again. Simple decisions become difficult as doubt and insecurities develop into anxieties about an unknown future – second guessing, seeking continued validation of themselves and others…

It may seem scary and uncomfortable to trust again, but unless you give it a go, you will continue to be stuck in distrust, feeling anxious and full of doubt.  Imagine being able to free yourself of all those painful memories.  Who would you be without the story you keep telling yourself? So, here’s the thing, once you make the decision to try, it gets easier and easier.

Healing from a betrayal begins with trusting yourself first.  Watch my short video that talks to rebuilding that trust.

It may seem scary and uncomfortable to trust again, but unless you give it a go, you will continue to be stuck in distrust, feeling anxious and full of doubt.  Imagine being able to free yourself of all those painful memories.  Who would you be without the story you keep telling yourself? So, here’s the thing, once you make the decision to try, it gets easier and easier.

Ask yourself; do you trust yourself?

Do you behave in a way that others can trust or is your suspicion and distrust what they experience?

What are you distrusting of others, where might that be present in your own life?

What are you expecting of others that perhaps you are not doing yourself? AND journal it out. Explore whatever new awareness you have in the coming days.
